Words of Wisdom for Graduates from Barron Prize Founder T. A. Barron

Words of Wisdom for Graduates from Barron Prize Founder T. A. Barron

We’re thrilled to celebrate this month the high school graduations of several of our past Barron Prize winners. As they and so many others mark this milestone and head into their next chapters, we thought it fitting to reprint a graduation address given by author and Barron Prize founder T. A. Barron.

Crafting a Top-Notch Application: Tips from Former Prize Winners

Crafting a Top-Notch Application: Tips from Former Prize Winners

We’re often asked at this time of year what makes a strong Barron Prize application. We’ve turned to the experts – our former winners – for help in answering that question. Here, six of our 2018 winners offer their tips for submitting an application that stands out.